​Burlesque at casino The Lalas, a Los Angeles-based burlesque act, will perform at Mohegan Pennsylvania casino, 1280 Route 315, Plains Twp., Friday at 9 p.m. The show, set to classic rock and blues …  Read More Entertainment 

The Lalas, coming to the casino Feb. 14. ( Mohegan Pennsylvania)

PUBLISHED: February 12, 2025 at 12:00 AM EST

Burlesque at casino

The Lalas, a Los Angeles-based burlesque act, will perform at Mohegan Pennsylvania casino, 1280 Route 315, Plains Twp., Friday at 9 p.m. The show, set to classic rock and blues music, is advertised as both sexy and hilarious. Doors open at 8 p.m. for the 21-plus event. Tickets start at $40 at moheganpa.com.

Free vow renewal

Couples can renew their wedding vows for free, accompanied by an Elvis tribute artist, at Mount Airy Casino Resort, Paradise Twp., on Saturday.  An ordained minister will lead the candlelit ceremony at 5 p.m. in the casino’s event center. Elvis artist Daniel Jenkins will sing and take photos with the couples, and then give an 8 p.m. concert. Tickets for the 21-and-over Elvis tribute concert are $30. Tickets, and registration for the ceremony at MountAiryCasino.com.

The Lalas, coming to the casino Feb. 14. ( Mohegan Pennsylvania)

“Wicked” will be screened on Saturday for free in Scranton.

Mount Airy Casino Resort

Elvis tribute artist Daniel Jenkins will perform at a wedding vow renewal ceremony at Mount Airy. (Mount Airy Casino Resort)

Free showing of “Wicked”

“Wicked,” the “Wizard of Oz” musical prequel up for Best Picture at the Academy Awards, will be shown free Saturday at the Albright Memorial Library, 500 Vine St., Scranton, at 2 p.m.

Tina Turner tribute

“Simply the Best: A Tribute to Tina Turner,” starring Karen Durrant, is Saturday at 7 p.m. at The Theater at North in Scranton, 1539 N. Main Ave. Tickets are $30 and $35 and can be purchased online at thetheateratnorth.org or in person at the box office Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Thursday, 3 to 6 p.m.; and on the night of the show starting at 5 p.m.

Pierogi Bowl

The Operating Engineers Upstate Club is hosting a pierogi-eating contest Sunday in Pottsville to benefit Dustin’s Adventureland. Two-person teams can enter the Pierogi Bowl at the Crimson House, 118 N. Centre St. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. and eating begins at 1 p.m. Team registration is $40. Registration and information, my.cheddarup.com/c/perogibowl-registration-form-temp-46745/items?cart.

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